Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The anticipation begins...

Ok, fangirly moment. I was blog hopping and I found that Angie W has already read Lover Awakened and wrote about it at her site. What she had to say was quite positive. I'm really excited for this book, but really apprehensive, like my overly inflated expectations are setting me up for disappointment. And I'm worried about the speedy redemption syndrome, where damaged characters instantly become well-adjusted members of society due to the magic nookie.
I sound really fangirly and need to get a life! But Angie's pretty blunt and honest, from other stuff I've read, so color me really excited! Only three months to go!


sybil said...

LOL I need to go see what she said ;)

I wouldn't worry about that sudden thing... just saying.

Devon said...

Oh the've finished too now? These lucky ladies and their ARCs. It's actually less than 3 months to go, I think. I know I can make it!

La Karibane said...

Do you guys lurk JRW's loop or mb? The woman is the queen of tease!!!

I stopped going for fear her irritating "KEEP READING" messages would drive me insane!

And the worse part is, she doesn't want members to post stuff from to loop onto the mb or it gets deleted!!!


La Karibane said...

Oh, and I'm sooo jealous, Angie!

Devon said...

I used to lurk at her yahoo group sometimes, but I found it a little...overwhelming. I do look at the message board sometimes also (I'm a spoiler whore and I hate myself), but again overwhelming. Why wouldn't they post stuff from one to the other. It seems as though many of the commenters are the same. It seems like it would just be saving someone from having to find something themselves if they weren't already aware of it.

La Karibane said...

Thank Goodness! I was just discussing this with 2 friends via chat. We are all perplexed by this rule!!!

Like you, I noticed that a lot of "Cellies" were now on the mb. And I'm like you, overwhelmed by the volume of messages...that say nothing much of interest to me, for I too am a review whore, LOL!

Maybe you got a message from the Mod, forbidding members from x-posting from the loop to the mbs. I was annoyed, angered even. Makes no sense.

Furthermore, why send loop members a "Slice of Life" message and delete it when a loop+mb member unwittingly posted it to the board? I thought there was a page on the website for this?

You can tell, can't you, that JR isn't in my heart these days? LOL!

I'm settling for rereads and idle discussions with friends...until Sept. Not posting my thoughts because I smell fangirls!!!!

Anyway, glad to know at least 4 people are a little puzzled by this PR angle JR adopted...

sybil said...

Not sure why... but I shall ask. Can't promise an answer but you never know.

La Karibane said...

Well, now I feel like a fool. Yesterday afternoon I got a special notice from the loop with the release date and an small excerpt for Butch's book.

JR said she would post it everywhere : on the boards, on the loop, on the website. I haven't checked yet but...

I'm still frustrated with the LA situation but I'm pacified, for now.

I am such a slut! LOL

Devon said...

Ooohhh, cool! I don't get emails from that loop because it would make my head explode. I'm going to go check now. I'm glad she's posting it everywhere, seems more fair to me.